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Your Questions Answered

What is the difference between non-skilled and skilled care?

Non-skilled care is assistance with daily living and activities, such as bathing, dressing, toileting meal preparation, light housekeeping, companionship, etc. Skilled care is medically necessary assistance, such as wound care, medication administration, invasive treatment, etc. Non-skilled care can be, and is usually, long-term. Skilled care can be, and is usually, intermittent.

Is non-medical in-home care covered by Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance?

Unfortunately, Medicare only allows for skilled (medical) home care. Medicaid covers non-skilled (non-medical) home care, as well as other services. Long-term insurance allows for non-medical, in-home care reimbursement, but each private insurance plan is different. Kind Healing, LLC. will be happy to contact your insurance company to determine eligibility and to review coverage with you. You do have the opportunity to privately pay. Services are billed biweekly with payment remitted within fourteen days

Are your caregivers employed by you, or do you use a temporary employment service or subcontract?

We hire, train, and evaluate our caregivers. We lawfully employ and withhold their federal, state and local taxes; our caregivers are not independent contractors. We do not use independent employment services.

Do I pay the caregiver directly?

No. Our caregivers are employed by Kind Healing LLC. and receive their salary directly from us. For private pay clients, you will pay us directly. For long-term care insurance and other third-party payers, they will pay us directly. Under no circumstance will you pay a caregiver directly.

Ombudsman Program

The Ombudsman Program investigates and resolves complaints made by or on behalf of older persons living in long-term care facilities or receiving long-term care services in their homes. These services are confidential and free. The Ombudsman protects the identity of complainants upon request and respects confidentiality.
An ombudsman is a trained individual who assists with complaints and problems with any long-term care service, provides information about consumer rights and assistance in exercising them, advocates for high standards of quality care and promotes strict enforcement of those standards, and supports the highest quality of life for care-dependent seniors.
Contact the local Ombudsman office at (724) 489-8080, extension 4424

Will my personal information be kept confidential?

Yes. We adhere to the Federal HIPAA Privacy Rule and will not disclose any personal information unless permission has been previously granted. Information may be shared with others involved in your care, such as: Medical Doctors, Hospitals, Insurance Companies, Law Enforcement Agencies, and any other person identified by the client as authorized.
If you have any questions not addressed in this fact sheet, please feel free to contact our office at (412) 908-3930.

Kind Healing, LLC is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

In accordance with Federal law, Kind Healing, LLC is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs or disability. To file a complaint contact:
Department of Health Hotline 1-800-254-5164

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